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How to Adjust Salaries Based on Location
Practical resources, data, and knowledge to help ChurchSalary members adjust nationwide salaries based on several local variables.
Suspected Abuse/Neglect Reporting Form
Clergy members are mandatory reporters. If you suspect abuse or neglect, you can fill out this form to submit to your immediate supervisor, law enforcement, or other reporting agency.
Options for Churches Seeking Audits
Churches desiring to employ an audit or other accountability measure with respect to their financial operations may opt for various approaches, depending on their size, scope, and complexity. Here are options to help you decide which is best for you.
10 Essentials of Minister’s Housing Exclusion
The minister’s housing exclusion provides one of the most significant tax benefits for those who qualify as “ministers of the gospel” under the tax law. This exclusion from income tax is available to ministers who own their own homes and to those who live in church-provided housing.
Effective Boards Guide
This guide is designed to maximize ministry, minimize pointless and/or non-productive meetings, clarify roles and responsibility of church board members, and transition your church to a single board system with a majority of elders.
Is Generative AI Too Good to Be True? Tips for Ministry Leaders
If you and your staff are considering using generative AI in your ministry, it’s important to know the risks and drawbacks ahead of time. As you evaluate the costs and benefits of artificial intelligence, you may also consider developing guidelines for its use within your ministry.
How to Prepare W-2s for Church Employees
A church reports each employee’s taxable income and withheld income taxes as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes on the Form W-2. Although W-2s are not difficult to prepare, there are some tips you should know.
Developing Measurable Outcomes
Performance measurement improves project management and effectiveness. By focusing on project outcomes, it can define success early, execute projects more likely to generate a significant impact to your ministry, and more easily measure and demonstrate results.
What to Include in your Letter of Intent
When funders ask for a letter of inquiry (LOI), they want a few pages that will make them excited about giving you a grant. Some foundations will then invite you to send a full proposal. But for many foundations, an LOI is enough to make a decision. That means a great LOI might win you funding for your project.
How to Write a Grant: Step by Step Guide
Obtaining a grant for a project you are passionate about can be very rewarding, but grant writing can be a difficult, complex, and long process.
Writing a Successful Grant Proposal
The most universal advice on writing a successful grant proposal is to present a well written, focused solution to a problem in a logical progression.
6 Components of a Grant Proposal
Most grant proposals can be broken down into the following sections:
Checklist of Board Roles & Responsibilities
Basic board roles and responsibilities are the foundation for successful boards. BoardSource has designed this checklist so you can quickly remind yourself of your key responsibilities. It’s also a great board orientation tool!