Finance, The Alliance anw staff Finance, The Alliance anw staff

Church Treasurer Finance Manual

The N.O. finance team designed this manual to help the church treasurer begin overseeing and administering the church’s financial operations. The N.O. finance team intends it to be a how-to manual, providing the basics for preparing budgets and periodic financial reports to the church governance authority and congregation.

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Finance, Board Resources anw staff Finance, Board Resources anw staff

Church Audit Guidelines

Church board members have a long list of responsibilities. Among these is the responsibility for the money that flows through the church. Included in those responsibilities is keeping accurate records and never letting a single individual have control of the money. These make good common sense. There also must be an annual audit of the church’s financial records. This is a bit more difficult. However, an annual audit of the church’s records is a must.

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Finance anw staff Finance anw staff

Options for Churches Seeking Audits

Churches desiring to employ an audit or other accountability measure with respect to their financial operations may opt for various approaches, depending on their size, scope, and complexity. Here are options to help you decide which is best for you.

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