Church Multiplication
Expand and Enlarge Gospel presence through Church Multiplication.
Team Members
Steve Fowler
Church Revitalization Director
Kristy Wells
Church Multiplication Coordinator
Ministry Areas
We serve churches and networks by investing in planters through a proven process of training, coaching, and resourcing.
We will provide expertise, consulting help, and financial resources to churches determined to multiply by adding an additional campus or by getting behind a new church plant.
Many people who are exploring church planting will need to gain exposure and experience to church planting by stepping into a residency program. A residency is a 1-3 customized track where prospective church planters are able to learn first hand in a church environment the skill and character development needed to be effective in church planting. Through the pre-assessment process we are able to help identify potential residency options.
The Alliance Northwest has formed regional networks that exist to support local and global church planting. By partnering with the Alliance Northwest, church planters can find specific networks that will provide care, connection, and support for the new church plant.
The Church Planting Process
Discovery: Are you a Planter?
Fill out the Pre-Asssessment Questionnaire below.
Attend Assessment
Address Assessment Feedback
2. Development & Training
Attend Bootcamp
Residency | Church-Based Training (if prescribed in Assessment)
Build Network and Church Partnerships
Establish Coaching Relationship
Develop Church Plant Proposal
3. Deploy
Proposal Approved
Prayerfully Establish Church Plant
Self propagating
Receive Accredited Status
Grow and Develop Future Leaders to Send
The Alliance began with one church plant, the Gospel Tabernacle in New York City.
It grew into a healthy congregation reaching the surrounding community and training and sending workers and leaders to reach the world. From this one church, today, over 130 years later more than 25,000 fellowships and nearly 6 million believers have emerged. This church began with a vision of gospel access for all people. That is the heartbeat of church planting in the Alliance: that every person would hear the good news of Jesus.
The starting of new churches is the best way to see people respond in faith to the gospel of Jesus. It is also one of the best ways to make disciples, equip leaders, and multiply the Kingdom. Additionally, the planting of new churches has a way of renewing the whole body of Christ in any given city.
The Alliance NW is actively seeking to plant churches throughout the Northwest that will multiply themselves locally and globally. We believe that it will take a diverse variety of churches to effectively make Jesus known in our region.
In short, we plant all kinds of churches for all kinds of people, because there are still some who are living apart from the hope of Jesus.