Real Hope Community Church

Lead Pastor

Lacey, WA | Full-time

Real Hope Community Church is searching for a Lead Pastor.

The Leadership team at Real Hope Community Church senses that God has great things in store for us in reaching our community.  We have been blessed with both volunteer and paid staff who have received clear callings to serve God in their communities.  Our staff are supported by a loving and gracious congregation who value relationships and showing the love of Christ to others.  Real Hope sees itself as partners on a team with the next Lead Pastor, authentically and joyfully reaching out to and connecting with those around us.


While ultimately the Lead Pastor has oversight of the church, it is our hope that God is calling a man who can use this authority to raise up other leaders by encouragement and leading by example.  A man who is able to recognize excellence in others and will give them the opportunities to develop their own leadership skills.

Learn more about the position and Real Life Community Church here.

How to Apply

If you are interested in this role, please submit a letter of interest, a resume, and letters of recommendation to:, or to Real Hope Community Church, 8004 Pacific Avenue SE, Lacey, WA, 98503.

If you have any questions or want to know more about the position, please contact the Real Hope Community Church Governing Board at


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