Missions Mobilization

Global Missions

We partner with multiple people who serve all over the world and connect them with churches for spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

 International Missions

World map with circles marking partnership locations throughout Africa, Europe, and Asia

The Alliance NW currently has over 20 individuals and couples who have been sent from the Northwest and are working to bring the Gospel to the least reached parts of the world.

Our International Workers thrive when we partner with them in their calling! We have an opportunity to invest in them spiritually, emotionally and financially. And, we benefit as a church when we step outside our community and expand our worldview! When we partner we keep one another focused, encouraged, challenged and spurred on to fulfill the Great Commission!

 Missions Mobilizers

Are you the missions mobilizer at your church?

Our Missions Mobilization Team has been working hard to think strategically about what it looks like to support your missions efforts in the church. Check out the resources we have made just for you as well as the International Workers page below.

*If you would like to access the info on our IWs, please email amber@alliancenw.org

Sign up to receive emails for global updates!


Let us help your church form a partnership with an international worker or field.

Contact amber@alliancenw.org to see the current International Workers available to visit.


We want to support your church as you send workers out!

If you are interested in serving as an international worker with The Alliance or if you would like to send somebody from your church please fill out this form.

 Give to the Alliance

The Alliance is committed to providing Gospel Access to the least reached peoples of the world.

We provide this Gospel Access by serving communities, multiplying church networks, and developing people. The Alliance has over 700 international workers, serving over 70 people groups, in 142 cities.